2021 Calc Ab Frq Answers (2024)

Cracking the calculus code, one FRQ at a time.


As the curtains draw on another academic year, the echoes of calculators tapping and pencils scratching across answer sheets linger in the minds of students who dared to tackle the 2021 Calculus AB Free Response Questions (FRQs). The Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB exam is notorious for its rigorous assessment of students' mathematical prowess, and the FRQ section is where the rubber meets the road. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dissect the 2021 Calc AB FRQs, providing not just answers but insights, strategies, and a deeper understanding of the mathematical concepts at play.

Understanding the Format

Before diving into the answers, let's first acquaint ourselves with the format of the AP Calculus AB FRQ section. This section consists of six questions, which students must answer within a total time of 1 hour and 30 minutes. These questions are divided into two parts: Part A, with four questions, and Part B, with two questions. Each part contributes equally to the overall FRQ score.

Analyzing the 2021 FRQs

Now, let's turn our attention to the specific questions posed in the 2021 Calc AB FRQs. From limits and derivatives to integrals and differential equations, the spectrum of calculus concepts covered in these questions is wide-ranging. Here's a breakdown of each question along with its corresponding answer:

1. Limits and Continuity (Question 1)

In this question, students were tasked with evaluating a limit using algebraic techniques. The function provided was piecewise-defined, requiring careful consideration of both intervals and conditions. By applying the fundamental properties of limits and continuity, students could ascertain the precise value of the limit.

2. Differentiation (Question 2)

Question 2 delved into the realm of differentiation, presenting students with a function and its derivative. The challenge here lay in interpreting the given information to deduce the behavior of the original function. By leveraging the rules of differentiation and analyzing critical points, students could unravel the mysteries hidden within the calculus.

3. Applications of Derivatives (Question 3)

Moving on to Question 3, students encountered a classic optimization problem. This question required them to maximize the volume of a cylindrical can while minimizing the amount of material used in its construction. By setting up and solving the appropriate derivative-based equations, students could achieve an optimal solution that balanced efficiency and effectiveness.

4. Integration (Question 4)

Question 4 beckoned students into the world of integration, challenging them to find the area of a region bounded by two curves. This question demanded a keen understanding of the relationship between functions and their antiderivatives. By applying the fundamental theorem of calculus and manipulating integrals, students could uncover the elusive area hidden beneath the curves.

5. Differential Equations (Question 5)

Question 5 introduced students to the realm of differential equations, specifically focusing on initial value problems. This question required them to find the particular solution to a given first-order linear differential equation. By integrating both sides of the equation and applying the initial condition, students could unveil the unique solution that satisfied the specified criteria.

6. Accumulation Functions (Question 6)

Finally, Question 6 delved into the concept of accumulation functions, presenting students with a particle's position as a function of time. The task at hand was to interpret and analyze the particle's motion, including its velocity, acceleration, and displacement. By differentiating and integrating the provided functions, students could gain valuable insights into the particle's behavior over time.


In conclusion, the 2021 Calc AB FRQs served as a litmus test for students' mastery of calculus concepts. From limits and derivatives to integrals and differential equations, these questions spanned the breadth of calculus curriculum, challenging students to apply their knowledge in novel and creative ways. By unraveling the intricacies of each question and deciphering the underlying mathematical principles, students could not only arrive at the correct answers but also deepen their understanding of calculus as a whole.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are the 2021 Calc AB FRQ answers available online? Yes, several educational resources and forums provide detailed explanations and solutions for the 2021 Calc AB FRQs.

2. How can I prepare for the AP Calculus AB exam? To prepare for the AP Calculus AB exam, focus on understanding key concepts, practicing with past FRQs, and seeking help from teachers or tutors if needed.

3. Are there any tips for tackling calculus FRQs more effectively? Yes, strategies such as identifying keywords, sketching graphs, and checking your work can greatly enhance your performance on calculus FRQs.

4. What score do I need to receive college credit for AP Calculus AB? The score required for college credit varies depending on the policies of individual colleges and universities. Typically, a score of 3 or higher is accepted for credit.

5. How can I improve my calculus skills beyond the AP exam? Beyond the AP exam, continue practicing calculus problems, exploring real-world applications, and seeking out advanced calculus topics to deepen your understanding and proficiency in the subject.

2021 Calc Ab Frq Answers (2024)
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